Restarting Updates - Sinkholes on My Florida Karst Sinkholes Webpages

Three years ago, I ceased my tracking of Florida karst sinkholes and the associated creation of sinkhole maps, because I found that my maps had been illegally posted on several Russian websites, regardless of the fact that I had copyright notices on the maps as well as the webpages that they were hosted from. I have now updated some imagery software that allows me to host the maps as full-size again. Thus, you will finding my full map selection here again as soon as I get the new format set across all of my maps. The first maps that will in this new format will be my Florida Karst Sinkholes Counties webpages

Interesting Reading - Mass Surveillance

Mass Surveillance Information Webpage

While I was following the news of the current Novel Coronavirus, I was caught by the China Surveillance State and their surveillance techniques. The government claims that these are what is helping to track the citizens' exposure to the COVID-19 coronavirus. It was estimated that the Chinese government has 200,000,000 CCTV cameras monitoring its citizens on Mainland China. The monitoring is part of standardizing the assessment of its citizens' and businesses'economic and social reputation. This is known as their Social Credit System. The consequences of falling short of the government's expectations include being denied tickets to high-speed rail and airlines, to those who have been blacklisted.

After reading about that, the information junkie in me started to read about mass surveillance worldwide.

In the News - Coronavirus

Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Information Webpage

Map of Chinese Provinces indicating geographic location of the city of Wuhan in the Hubei Province

Map of Chinese Provinces indicating geographic location of the city of Wuhan in the Hubei Province

My Other Websites

We participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates and the Google Adsense programs. These are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to, and their affiliate sites.

Note that some of the resources on my webpages may be affiliate links, meaning I get paid a commission (at no cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.

The website that you are reading this webpage on right now. It was developed to share various areas of my interests, including exercising my geographic information systems (GIS) skills.

This website was originally developed to share my photography, some genealogy and sailing news.

This website was developed for the sale of photographic reprints of photos of historic interest. Originally, it was only used for the sale of a few extra copies of railroad depot photographs, but it has been expanded to include photos other than railroad depots, to include such subjects as covered bridges, etc.

This website was developed for the sale of photographic prints shot by myself. It generally includes panoramic prints of covered bridges and landscapes.



I have traced my French-Canadian ancestry back to the late 1600's. You can view my Catudal ancestry on my Catudal Ancestors webpages.

My paternal lineage can be traced at This Link. I have traced this side of my family back to Lancashire, England; Quebec, Canada and to France.

Deltiology (Postcard Collecting)

I have revised some of my Postcard Collection into a new format, to be more mobile-friendly. Hopefully, you will find it interesting. My Bridge Postcards webpages are the most interesting. Or, you can simply jump to my Postcard Collection Site Map.


I have started to get back into the swing of updating my Earthquakes webpage, now that I have updated my Excel algorithm to make it a simpler task.

FSX Flying over the Isle of Man, UK

Flight Simulator Programs

My interest in flying got started in the early 1980's when I went on a few flights with my friend from Cranston, RI, Len Ruppert, who worked at one of my favorite haunts - Heath Electronics. He had his pilot's license and needed to get flights under his belt, so I went flying with him. I lost touch with Len in 1984, when I moved to Florida, so Len, if you find this, send along an email!

I first got interested in flight simulator software back in the early 1980's, with a flight simulator program for my Timex/Sinclair ZX81 in 1982, and Flight Simulator II for my Radio Shack Color Computer (Coco). Later, in the Windows world, I got into Micropose's Strike Eagle II, and then got the Operation Desert Storm scenery add-on for it. There were two or three other flight simulator programs that I got, but then life simply got too busy and that fun wained.

Now, in late 2012, I built-up a new faster PC, and once again got the urge to enjoy some flight simulators, so I picked up Flight Simulator X, Gold Edition, on a recent trip down to Cambridge, MA and MicroCenter.

I have almost immediately gotten the bug to create my own scenery files. Probably enhanced by the fact that I work as a CADD Technician for an engineering company's aviation division. So, I am planning on creating scenes for Brunswick Executive Airport, KBXM, in Brunswick, Maine.

My thoughts for BXM are to start with the original runway configurations, including the light-than-air (LTA) mooring masts. Hopefully, I will be able to find an LTA aircraft appropriate to the 1940's timeframe.

I will keep these tasks updated on this webpage, as well as making the scenery files available here for free download, with links to other resources created by others, to complement my work.

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VEVOR Airbrush Spray Booth

VEVOR Airbrush Spray Booth, Portable Hobby Airbrush Paint Spray Booth Kit with 4 LED Light, Powerful Dual Exhaust Fans, Turntable and 6 ft Extension Hose

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Lionel Thomas & Friends

Lionel Thomas & Friends Electric O Gauge Bluetooth Train Set with Remote

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